
Hanging out

Tonight, I stepped out for a bit and just happened to pass a beer parlor. Like so many of its kind, it was packed full. Full of guys that is and it just made me wonder about a few things that I thought I should share. Please note, this is not meant to be a wow-off- the-top post. It is just me thinking out loud. Remember this is life as it happens and thoughts as they come to me.
As usual, I ask a question. first, what is it that draws young guys who are, by the way, our future leaders, to common beer parlors? Now, a lot if not all boys from the age of 15 upwards are found in one beer parlor or another at least once a week. Notice how I say boys because I do not think responsible people should indulge in such nonsense and only responsible people can be called men. Sad thing is most guys I know are famous beer parlor goers. Is it some sort of initiation into "manhood"? If you haven't gone to a beer parlor, you are not yet a man? And if you do not go at least once a week, you are not having fun? Oh, then throw in a weekly bout of clubbing and you are the coolest?

Why should one leave his house or place of work to go to a rugged open spaced beer parlor? This sad habit that every member of the male specie seems to have inculcated is discussion for another day. More pressing thoughts are on hand.
I tried to come up with some of the reasons why these guys are so freaked about beer parlors that they must find one to go to wherever they find themselves. For some, it might be a way to let out some frustration after a long day. For others, it is something to do to culminate a day of doing absolutely nothing ( thanks to ASUU). Others call up their boys to meet at a parlor just to kill boredom. Let's not forget the oh so very annoying "I am waiting for the traffic to die down" routine. To satisfy my curiousity, I called up some guy friends of mine (and I have them "plentiful") and this was their general and common answer- they just want to hang out. Oh! That makes sense. It could not have been that it was just because they are hopeless drunks, if not they would just buy the drinks and take it at their homes, right? If it was all about hanging out then the beer parlor addiction figures, right? Good, problem solved. Yes?
NO!!! Why should guys have a place to hang out and just chill while we girls do not. No, this is not just another feminine move, this is real talk. There is a place that these drunks, sorry boys, can multitask- drink, gossip(they call it gisting but we all know that is where all the secrets come out) and let us not forget get girls and we girls are left at home wondering when our brothers, boyfriends, fathers will return home. Why can't girls have theirs? We also love hanging out now! In fact, as far as I know hanging out is more of a girl thing after all we are the known gossips and that IS what a hangout entails, at least 70 percent of the time.
Really, think about it! the beer parlor is majorly a male dominated area. From the classy joints like Vitto Cantina, Cubes to the average Anjiez to the road side, business centre like parlors like Savannah, Jojos and Ozias. What do we ladies have? Cinemas?! The guys are there too. Malls? You can't just chill, eat and "gist" for hours. The closest we can come to our own beer parlor is a Beauty parlor and even that isn't just the same because we do not get to just chill and hang out without having our gist being tapped or getting judged by other women.
Does this mean that we do not need to hang out or are we content with just chilling in our various homes and friend's houses?
All I am saying is: Ladies, it is time we created our own female-only joint or we invade the beer parlors!!! WE NEED OUR SPACE
Like I said earlier, I am just thinking out loud. Good night boys. mwah

1 comment:

  1. you cannot understand the ways of a man or wat happens in bars , its actually a place where u release the tensions of your day, your job, your woman wahala etc. etc., if women need a hangout spot let them have it , they are welcome in bars too, but we all know women they are never true to themselves and if women come up wiv sumtin like dat it cannot last because : ill quote u on the beauty parlour problem
    "we do not get to just chill and hang out without having our gist being tapped or getting judged by other women."- onome u.
    who says your hangout spot will be any better.
    My advice is leave it as it is and you all are welcome in bars anyday anytime.
