
Live to Learn

They say the strong one is the one who learns from his mistakes. True! But just how do you learn from your mistakes and just how easy is it to. As a child, you learn the importance of tying your shoe laces from tripping a couple of times on an undone shoe lace. As a teenage girl, you learn the importance of wearing the right pad or changing your sanitary pad after getting stained a couple of times. You even learn how to lie better to your parents, after being caught loads of times. Little things like this help us in understanding how to learn from your mistakes.
What they do not tell you however, is that as you grow older, learning from your mistakes become difficult. What is even more difficult is being able to discern what your mistakes really were? In a failed relationship, for example, how do you know where you went wrong? Was it in loving your partner a tad much or not loving enough? Was it taking your partner over your friends or vice versa? Was it in having sex too soon or too late? Was it showing your love too much or not showing at all? Was it being too materialistic or too demanding? Was it being too secure and comfortable or too insecure and on edge?
Life and Love isn’t like cooking. You can not easily pin point that there was too much salt or too little pepper, it is more grueling to identify your faux pas. Sometimes you have an idea that you are making a mistake in the process but for lack of whatever it is, you go ahead. And if you choose to pick the action of taking into account the consequences, fate just might throw a surprise at you, as the foreseen effect of a decision could change course or have a full turn around. For example, you think that leaving a current boyfriend for a not very well known guy may lead to eventual sadness, but what if that other unknown guy becomes your husband. Unfortunately, no one tells you this. Instead they dish out advice, sayings and idioms like life is as simple as following a cook book or laid out recipe. Even the chefs get it wrong sometimes, so how much more ordinary people.
Another thing is people thinking that they can determine your mistakes for you. There is always one guide book, friend, family, prophet or ex who thinks they can tell you what you should or should not do[in your best interest… of course]. The worst of all is when you beat yourself up over an already done deed…My God, get over yourself already!!!
They say there is a destiny for every one and you can destroy it with mistakes. Well, I say if my path changes because of something I did, then maybe, just maybe, that was my destiny all along! The oversights in life involve meticulous attention and grace of God. So, I am not saying live life without caution, all I am saying is if you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up about it. Move on and next time, (whenever and whatever it is) weigh your options and do what pleases you and pleases God!
My point? You can never truly learn from your mistakes. Not in life and definitely not in Love!!! But when a certain regrettable and sad occurrence becomes one too many, it might be time to stop it. In the end, just live right and answer to no one but yourself and God.

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